Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Headed to Downtown Ottawa

December 15 2007

The plan is to drive to see my Dad's old girlfriend JoanAnn Nolan who lives downtown Ottawa to see her and her son Sizwe. I haven't seen him since he was about 7 years old when they used to live in South Africa around the time I lived there with Dad.

Sizwe is now an accomplished musician who excels in piano and voice. Funny enough, he is going to the same Junior High that I went to when I lived in Ottawa - Glashan! He even has the same Gym teach (Mr. Desclouds) who remembers both Andrew and myself. What a small world. Anyhow, Sizwe it turns out has inherited his musical skills from his father, Jabulani, who is a world class Trombone player in South Africa!

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