To come to Jamaica and see high fashion and the beauty of the black models was amazing.
Too often in the "first world" we are forced to see 2nd and 3rd generation interpretations of what being an African is....and as a 2nd generation, born in Lusaka-Zambia African...I found this always a bit odd.
Watching the runways of Caribbean Fashion Week filled with the most gorgeous of Caribbean people, in their interpretations of African fashion and I applauded. Just the right touch of "homage" while staying true to where the clothes are made, makes these designs have integrity.
It is hot in Trinidat, but not the same kind of hot as Nigeria...the men are shaped differently and the seasons are different.
All of these differences make the Avark collection (shown here) one of the smartest, fashionable and wearable lines of African-inspired clothing I've seen in a long time. I hope to support them by buying a few pieces... check out my facebook for an album "the white collection", I call it and share them with strong black men you love.
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